Friday, June 19, 2015

How to Play

The most common bit of feedback I've gotten from people is that they're confused on how to play.  I have to tell you, making a game is hard.  But by far, the hardest part, is teaching players how to play the game in a way that's simple and effective.

There are two things you can do in the game.  Swap tiles, and score words.  That's it.  Let's look at swapping tiles first.

Just tap one tile and it'll glow, tap any other tile (that doesn't have a lock on it) and the two will switch places.   That's it!  Easy peasy.

The second thing is scoring words.   The first thing to remember is that this isn't a word search game, it's more like a crossword or scrabble.  Words can only be in straight lines.  They can be up and down, or left and right.  They can be spelled forwards or backwards, doesn't matter but they MUST be in a single straight line.  Then just swipe the word and as long as it's a legit word, you'll score the point value of all the letters combined.  Just like scrabble.

As the game progresses in difficulty you'll be expected to spell more than 1 word in a single swipe.  What you do here is set up your words so that the last letter in one word is the first letter in the next.  Like this example:


Put your finger on the letter C and swipe over to T, then down to G and over to M.  Without lifting your finger off.  A popup will appear and tell you that your trying to spell CAT, TWIG and GUM, and give you a chance to confirm or reject.  This popup is important for massive 10+ word combinations where you can easily forget all the words in the chain you're trying to create.

Feel free to email me at or just comment on this site if you have any questions or concerns.  I'm here to listen, and make the game better.

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